“11.22.63 “: Why is the book better than the series

Jake Epping is a literature teacher in Maine. His life is boring, and it seems that nothing interesting can happen to him. But suddenly an old friend of Al shows him a temporary tunnel in 1960. And Jake asks to fulfill his dream: to go into the past and prevent the murder of President Kennedy.

Genre: chronotriller Producers: Brian Berke, J. J. Abrams, Stephen King Cast: James Franco, Sarah Gadon, Chris Cooper, Josh Duel, Daniel Webber The source : Steven King's novel of the same name Prime Minister: February – April 2016, Hulu Duration: 8 episodes 60 minutes

What is "11.22.63 "

Probably, every serious American writer in his soul dreamed of writing a big American novel, which would reflect the whole essence of the Culture of the States. "11.22.63 ”was clearly written with the same attitude, and at least the personal Magnum Opus of Stephen King, traditional and innovative at the same time.

To transfer the “soul” of America, King chose the golden period of American history: the end of the 1950s-early 1960s, the era of great hopes of the nation. Rock and roll, clean streets, houses in a row, beautiful cars, friendly people, patriotic climb. Yes, terrible exhaust gases and emissions from factories, yes, racial intolerance and male chauvinism, but there were much more knightly attitude to the ladies at that time than now. King plunges in an era with his head with the hero. This is largely a novel about America that we have lost, about a dream that could come true and burst under the noise of Dallas shots.

► And this is also a novel that dance is life.

"11.22.63 ”incorporated all possible genres that King could competently connect. This is a wonderful thriller, in some places, making his way to the bones, an interesting investigation (Oswald Lee lowered the trigger and why?) and a touching love story. As in many other stories of King, evil in "11.22.63 ”comes from a person, and not from supernatural, and the main mysticism is where this evil comes from. As a flip side of the medal King shows the mysticism of love, no less supernatural than evil. She also lives in a person and manifests itself in the most unexpected moments.

The King of the Horrors contrasted the great feat (the salvation of Kennedy) and the everyday feat. Over the five years of life in the past, Jake performs many kind, small, but in their own way of great acts: reveals acting talent in a shy student, arranges the personal happiness of one beautiful librarian. On heavenly scales, all this is more important than the salvation of the president. Everyday life turns into a sacrament, ordinary work – into magic. "11.22.63 " – this is a reminder that for the sake of the onset of a universal good, this is the most good and subject.

► Bibliokotheksh Sadie.

A film adaptation against the book

Channel Hulu, alas, not Netflix and not HBO. Having taken up a difficult project, they released a good product, but to film the great novel, the epithet “good” is akin to a crime. Adaptation is very losing the original.

It is not entirely clear why the creators chose a format-recreate-a mini-series. Of course, in a full -length film, almost everything would have to be thrown out except the Kennedy line. But then at least an expensive chronotriller with beautiful scenery and a worked out atmosphere could turn out. On the series struck. 1960s in "11.22.63 ”shows much better than, say, in“ Legends of Tomorrow ”, but still remain a soulless decoration that is not able to tighten the viewer into another space.

This could be compensated by a deep and worked out story. But there are only eight episodes, and the scriptwriters cut the book be healthy. Jake even spends less time in the past than in the book – for three years instead of five. Of course, the Game of Thrones proved that in skillful hands deviations from the original source can be adaptation to the benefit. But "11.22.63 " – a case of a completely different.

In addition to individual plot lines and scenes (the most useful and most useful, according to King, the life of Epping), under the knife, the justifications of actions, characters, explanations of supernatural fragments, the second bottom and references to other works of the author came under the knife. There were new characters that were completely not important for the plot, but calling eyes: in the book of Bill Terkott there was exactly one scene, and here we observe it throughout the series. Duningics stories came https://sister-site.org/bonus-strike/ up with a banal and boring motive, even removing a hint of the ambiguity of the situation.

► Bill Terkott is annoyingly looming in the frame where it should not be.

And the main character himself has changed a lot. Thoughtful, lively and shallow Jake Epping to come true not too pleasant, little reflecting James Franco, who often acts under the influence of a gust and is released due to pure luck.

Which, by the way, contradicts the declared idea of ​​"resistance of time". Since the past does not want it to be changed, troubles are all the time – from the threshold of the wheel to accidental poisoning. But King neatly entered these events into the plot, and in the series made of this made a mere “destination” with falling chandeliers, constantly striving to crush machines and buggy technology. How, with such disorder and constant dangers, the hero generally survives, remains a mystery.

Franco himself plays average. At the first appearance, it causes rejection and distrust, but you get used to the series to the third or fourth to it. But who paints and in many ways pulls the series, so this is Sarah Gadon. Her Sadi turned out to be magnificent: a dream girl, a mirage, it is impossible not to fall in love with her. Although the romantic line was not as deep as in the novel, between the heroes tangibly sparkles until the finals. Lee Harvey Oswald performed by Daniel Webber, an egocentric psychopath with a mania of greatness, also came out interestingly.

► In the series, the famous photo of Oswald with a gun reproduced.

Is it worth watching?

Those who read the book in the series have nothing to catch. Most of the images are not the same, there is little entertainment, the logic is lame (for example, a man with a yellow card is very unsuccessfully beaten). The story canvas with Kennedy remained inviolable, but this comes to negate the whole intrigue.

Another thing is if you did not read the novel. Many of the claims to the series will remain the same – the gaps in logic, not the most convincing acting, the average elaboration of the environment, a jumping narrative. But thanks to interesting King history, almost all these shortcomings are easy to forgive.

And the story itself is good. With exciting plot turns, mysticism and a sincere romantic line. In some places the series can scare even those who read or at least call goosebumps on the skin. Add here a good action in places, soft and appropriate humor, raised topics of social problems and family values.

And the finale remained for the most part by the canonical. In the novel, however, he is more logical than in the series, but in any case, the story came out good and bright. It will be difficult for the readers to get used to changes, but otherwise the series is not bad. True, in the form of twenty -four episodes or a full -length film, this story would look better.

Peppy chronotriller with an unusual and cute ending.

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