E3 2016-What to expect from press conferences of platform holders

Part 1

Large publishers significantly affect the landscape of the AAA class game industry, but form its platform holders. On the eve of E3 2016, we collect all rumors and all officially confirmed information about the press conferences of the platform holders.


Recently, even weeks, it has not been held so that a fresh hearing does not pass about the hypothetical “improved PS4” – PlayStation 4 Neo , – And E3 should put everything in place. True, the network talked that the announcement of Sony would leave for Tokyo Games Show, so if E3 does not clarify anything, it will still be too early to relax.

The updated console, according to rumors, will pull all the games for PS4 in 4K resolution and at sixty frames per second. But there is nothing to wait for exclusives and improved graphics. However, recently, one developer anonymously stated that the VR games are terribly on the usual PS4 and are not able to give out a stable frame rate, so the enhanced console for virtual reality is simply necessary. Where is the truth – we will find out very soon.

Around PS VR, a significant part of the conference will undoubtedly spin. A virtual reality helmet will go on sale in October, and Sony needs to prepare a strong bridgehead for its appearance-we are waiting for a lot of VR anons. It is possible that the VR version Star Wars Battlefront shown precisely at the Sony conference.

But much more we are waiting for news about The Last Guardian, Shenmue 3 and remake Final Fantasy VII. Gameplay rollers, fresh trailers and details, exit dates – we need everything, there is no strength to endure! Of particular interest is the rethinking of Final Fantasy VII, it is painfully controversial to the episodic format selected for the game.

But they will not talk about the remake of Final Fantasy VII, because the full fifteenth part is on the way. And although we know about her already enough and do not worry too much for her fate, we do not mind admiring the fresh trailer at all. Literally just Square Enix announced the HD-transformation of the Final Fantasy XII, but everything is also clear there.

But pro World of Final Fantasy , cartoon branch collecting the heroes of previous parts together, you need more details. After his announcement Win Diggers sister sites on the past E3, we were told almost nothing, but the project is still in development, and even the developers have recently posted fresh screenshots. The game, by the way, should be released not only on PS4, but also on an abandoned PS vita. And now we also want to know at least something about her.

For a long time we have not heard anything about Tekken 7: She went out on arcade machines for a long time, but so far only announced for PS4. All we know is a console version and it will support PS VR. It is possible that Sony started the next exclusive. We are waiting for the details.

The conference will probably visit Hellblade, new game from authors Heavenly Sword and reincarnation Devil May Cry. In the appearance Horizon: Zero Dawn We have no doubt from Guerrilla Games at all – it is high time to clearly say whether it will come out at all this year.

A strange experimental thing from Media Molecule – Dreams – Also, it will hardly be left without attention. The designer has already shown the authors from all corners, but how to play it, we still do not understand. We really want to finally explain.

Well, from No Man’s Sky There is no end.

By tradition, they will show projects of third -party studios and announce exclusive DLC. Maybe even a new addition to Destiny will light up. But more interested in announcements. For example, it would be nice to look at God of War 4 , for nothing that it is dumped in the dungeons for a year, or to hear about the new project from the Naughty Dog. Many put on The Last of US 2 , But the studio will rather imagine something fresh. Well, or will not show anything at all. Or will limit yourself to the story of DLC for Uncharted 4..

Surprises can be expected from Sucker Punch. Of course, they are unlikely to be taken for new adventures of raccoon-raccoon lingers, but there were rumors that the studio is busy exclusive for PS4 with a play about Spider-Man. There are excellent games about Batman, and spiddy is the worse? But, if anything, we are from the new Infamous They would not refuse.

Obviously in abundance there will be smaller things – it seems Abzu , hastily baptized "Journey underwater". And just the other day it became known that Rockstar updated the rights to the brand for the fifth time Agent. This spy militant was announced seven years ago for PS3, and since then nothing was really reported. Perhaps the story of The Last Guardian will repeat?


One of the main intrigues of the exhibition-whether Microsoft will, following the example of Sony, will introduce VR devices on its console. They enlisted Oculus for a long time, but things have not really gone further than words.

It has long been talked about the fact that next year the company will release an improved version of the Xbox One, known as Xbox Scorpio. She allegedly as much as four times more powerful than Xbox One and will work with Oculus Rift on the move. If this is true, then the corporation is hardly pulling and showing the system on this e3. The announcement of the reduced version of the Xbox One can also be made there, with an improved cooling system and an increased hard drive.

And supposedly all this is part of the fusion of Xbox and Windows into a single ecosystem, and in the future updated versions of the consoles will be done quite often, and all games for Xbox will be released simultaneously on a PC.

Regarding future rumors, it goes no less. Almost all are the fruits of the works of one of the users of Reddit, claiming that he managed to climb the Microsoft server and draw plans for a press conference from there. If you believe his words-Microsoft finally announces the new part Battletoads.

There is information and about Sea of ​​Thieves, new multiplayer game from Rare. The project was announced last year. It seems that the developers are preparing their Destiny in cartoon pirate decorations. There were rumors even about interpoplatter (with PC users) game.

Without the main racing series Microsoft, the conference cannot do, so the leak on the announcement Forza Horizon 3 It seems worthy of trust. It also says that there is a way to the Australia. A separate event dedicated to the "Fridit" has already announced Microsoft, so everything can be.

But the news about the announcement of a multiplayer game about zombies intrigue. New part of Dead Riding? Or state of decay? However, to trust this hearing is worthwhile, like a similar game, although not directly, would have to compete with Sea of ​​Thieves. And on it, Microsoft, according to leaked information, makes a large bet.

There is a chance that they will show something related to Age of Empires. If it is not browser and not online, we will be very happy. But believe in such an announcement with difficulty.

In the demonstration Halo Wars 2 There is no doubt anymore – even a poster appeared on the network. Most likely, it will not do without a beta test, but at least some information about the game will have to be in place. After all, the first part is still the most successful example of console RTS. And in general, Halo, you know, there is no much. Moreover, the sixth part of the main series in the near future is hardly announced.

But Microsoft has something to show without shocking announcements. It comes out in October GEARS of WAR 4, and she will definitely visit the conference. Scalebound announced two years ago, but not so much about her. Recore from Caeii Inafune and completely continuous mystery. Like, however, and Ion from Dean Hall, Creator Dayz.

But this year should appear and Crackdown 3 With their exploding skyscrapers – will the conference without such beauty cost?

Of course, there is also a place for surprises: Microsoft has already promised completely new announcements. That it will be, you can only guess. What if Aln Wake 2, which Remedy tears already damn how long?


Nintendo presentations have always been much quieter than competitors, and this year will not be an exception. So, the company will not bring its new console known as Nintendo NX. The statement is official. You can, of course, hope that they will say something about the future system, but you should not count on it.

A few weeks ago, Nintendo generally stated that she would bring only fresh The Legend of Zelda, But it seems to have thought better. But even if everything were so – detailed information about the new adventures of the new Link has been waiting for many years. By the way, although Zelda was also announced for Nintendo NX, they will show the version for WII U.

Lovers of gardening and gardening should please the show Harvest Moon: Skytree Village for Nintendo 3DS. The game promises to seriously shake the series by changing the style of graphics and drawing characters.

Pokémon Sun and Moon It is also expected, but you can’t say much here. If you love Pokemon, then you know everything very well.

Otherwise, Nintendo should not wait for major announcements. Many people want to see a new big game in the Metroid universe, some believe that the company announces something large about Mario. There were rumors even about Super Mario Galaxy 3. But still this year for Nintendo is the year of Zeldy and preparation for the exit of NX (already time has already been appointed-March 2017-although we do not know anything about the console itself). However, hope for a miracle remains.

It is very interesting what they say about the future Nintendo Wii U and 3DS. Both systems seemed to be lost, but the company claims that NX will not fully replace them and generally represents something completely different.

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